Fembio-Specials FemBiographies by Brigitte Warkus (1944-2005)
Other specials
- Famous Women Mathematicians
- Women from Potsdam
- Women Artists - an Exhibition by Almut Nitzsche and FemBio e.V
- European Jewish Women
- Women resistance fighters
- Bauhaus women
- Women from Celle
- Famous Women from Hanover, Germany
on this day ...
- 150. birthday: Sara Wennerberg-Reuter
- 310. birthday: Margaret Cavendish-Bentinck, Duchess of Portland, geb. Harley
- 170. birthday: Ellen Day Hale
- 170. birthday: Ghenia (Adrienne-Pierrette-Eugénie) Avril de Sainte Croix (geb. Glaisette)
- 140. birthday: Bella Fortner?Halbaerth
- 70. birthday: Anneli Jäätteenmäki
- 575. day of death: Agnes Sorel