Fembio-Specials Women from Potsdam
Other specials
- Women from Potsdam
- Famous Women Mathematicians
- Women from North and South Tyrol and the Trentino
- Famous Italian Women
- Bauhaus women
- Women from Zurich
- Women from Vienna
- Women Artists - an Exhibition by Almut Nitzsche and FemBio e.V
on this day ...
- 325. birthday: Vittoria Tesi-Tramontini
- 330. birthday: Françoise Graffigny
- 140. birthday: Bess Truman
- 75. day of death: Auguste Papendieck
- 90. day of death: Violet Paget, Ps. Vernon Lee
- 80. day of death: Henrietta Szold
- 40. day of death: Lotte LANG
- 20. day of death: Mary Agnes Hallaren
- 20. day of death: Helga Einsele