At the moment the online database holds 13002 records.
For instance:
167 sculptors
245 women born in New York
305 women born in Paris
78 women born in Prague
75 women born in Chicago
116 entrepreneurs
For instance:
167 sculptors
245 women born in New York
305 women born in Paris
78 women born in Prague
75 women born in Chicago
116 entrepreneurs
on this day ...
- 125. birthday: Else C. Kraus
- 125. birthday: Caterina Santoro
- 125. birthday: Hedwig Brann-Frank
- 90. birthday: Sarah Kofman
- 90. birthday: Kate Millett
- 90. birthday: Erika Gerda Hickel
- 80. birthday: Rahel Hutmacher
- 75. day of death: Frieda Kwast-Hodapp
- 40. day of death: Janet Laura Gaynor
- 10. day of death: Else Beitz geb. Hochheim