Fembio-Specials Women from Celle
Other specials
- Women from Latin America
- Women from Vienna
- Famous Women from Heidelberg
- Women from North and South Tyrol and the Trentino
- FemBiographies by Brigitte Warkus (1944-2005)
- Black History
- Famous Lesbians
- Women resistance fighters
on this day ...
- 70. birthday: Gerburg Jahnke
- 100. day of death: Marie Sophie Marie Sophie von Wittelsbach
- 75. day of death: MARIE- LOUISE DEBOGIS
- 25. day of death: Margarete (Grete) Schütte-Lihotzky
- 70. day of death: Louise Dorothea Amalie Ebert, geb. Rump
- 40. day of death: Vera Regine Lachmann
- 10. day of death: Grazia Livi