Fembio-Specials Women from Latin America
Other specials
- Women from Zurich
- European Jewish Women
- Famous Women from Hanover, Germany
- Women Artists - an Exhibition by Almut Nitzsche and FemBio e.V
- Famous Lesbians
- FemBiographies by Brigitte Warkus (1944-2005)
- Black History
- Bauhaus women
on this day ...
- 125. birthday: Blandine Ebinger
- 130. birthday: Lotte Mahler
- 120. birthday: Valerie von Martens (eig. V. Pajer Edle von Mayersperg)
- 90. birthday: Judith Herzberg
- 50. day of death: Grete von Urbanitzky
- 50. day of death: Louise Langgaard
- 25. day of death: Daisy Lee Gatson Bates
- 90. day of death: Catherine Amy Dawson Scott
- 70. day of death: Johanna (Hanna) Solf geb. Dotti
- 60. day of death: Ilka Grüning
- 40. day of death: Jane Evrard